Looking for Byfields

If you are part of this Byfield family please send me a note at byfieldbook@gmail.com. Let me know how you fit in the tree!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What happened to Addie Spurgeon?

This is a Byfield descendant that I come back to now and then. 

Eighteen year old Hattie Imel, daughter of Julia Ann Byfield and Peche Harrison Imel, married Oscar C Spurgeon in Coffey County, Kansas. They had a daughter, Addie, in 1876. By 1878 Hattie and Oscar had divorced and Hattie had remarried.  

Four year old Addie is found in the 1880 census with her mother, Hattie, and her new step-father, George Gilbert Holmes.  That's the last record that I can find.

I'm sure Addie must have married in the 20 years before the next census in 1900 but, I have no clues to go on.  Do any of you Kansas Imels or maybe Holmeses have some information about Addie?

This is my entire listing for Addie:

15311. Addie Spurgeon. (Harriett B "Hattie" Imel-4; Julia Ann Byfield-3; Massia Byfield-2; Abraham H. Byfield-1)
Daughter of Oscar C Spurgeon and Harriett B "Hattie" Imel. Born about 1876 in Kansas. Died _____________ in _____________.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Benjamin Byfield

I'm just finishing up work on the descendants of Benjamin Byfield, son of Massia Byfield.  Benjamin was Massia and Polly's first child and is the only one that stayed in Indiana when the rest of the family moved to Illinois.

Benjamin's son, Sardius, married a second cousin so, there's a branch of Byfields that are related to Abraham Byfield and Patience Corbin through two different grandparents.

I'll upload a new version of the full book once I get the Benjamin Byfield line wrapped up.  I don't plan to update the book that includes only the Massia Byfield line until that line is complete.  I guess I'm going to have to find a better way to refer to which book contains the entire Byfield line and which is just a branch starting at one of Abraham's children.