Looking for Byfields

If you are part of this Byfield family please send me a note at byfieldbook@gmail.com. Let me know how you fit in the tree!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sarah Bovard Diary and the Scott County Byfields

Thanks to Jan Beasley for pointing me to the Sarah Bovard diary on Genweb.  Sarah kept a diary for several years beginning in 1859.  She mentions many of the families in the area in her diary entries.  The diary has been transcribed, annotated, and indexed so, it is a great resource in addition to being really interesting just to read.

As a side project I'm thinking of trying to map out the families in Sarah's area of Scott county.  I'd like to have a visual aid to help in placing people and families as I read through Sarah's diary entries.


  1. I found Sarah's dairy of interest as she talked about my great grandfathe Marion in some of her writings. I am wondering why I am not finding her in the Byfield book? Found one person, a James Bovard and was married to Mariah Byfield June 1889 but died October of the same year. Just curious as to how and where she fits in with our family. Thanks, Karen West

  2. I'm going to have to look at this again. I don't believe that Sarah is related to the Byfields but the Bovards lived near several Byfields and some of the other related families. Her diary is a wonderful window into the area during that time.

    I do need to go through this diary and add references to it in the book where she mentions members of the Byfield tree!

    1. Oh I made my comment with out looking into it better the years don't match my mistake.
