Looking for Byfields

If you are part of this Byfield family please send me a note at byfieldbook@gmail.com. Let me know how you fit in the tree!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Byfield Research Files are Here

I've been trying to organize some of my files and it occurs to me that there is no reason I shouldn't share with everyone.  To access my Byfield files go to to this link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByJh1OTqQtMVWF80S1Y3MkV0TTg in your web browser or click here --> Byfield Research .

The folders are organized in family hierarchy beginning with Abraham Byfield and spreading out from there.  I don't have the whole tree built yet but hope to do it within the next week or two.  There are a lot of folders to create and files to transfer!

If anyone has research materials they would like to add, send them to me and I'll get them added.  Stories, photos, scans of documents, or whatever.  I hope this will be a place where Byfield researchers can find useful things.


  1. This is wonderful.. My Mother in Law will be very happy. As she now has Alzheimer. This will be wonderful to show her. Thank you so much.

  2. Hello, my name is Jon. My family and I own a small portion of the league and labor provided to Holmes Byfield as a land grant by Texas. The Texas general land office has recently uploaded some scanned documents to their online database. Holmes actual hand written signature on the land grant is one of these documents. Also available is the actual certificate of Holmes’ service to Texas in the War. These scanned documents are available to print or save. One last document is the land grant for the 360 acres (if my memory is correct) , provided to him for Holmes honorable service.
    Holmes wife was also given land as a widow of a Texas soldier. This land grant can be viewed as an original scan as well.

    I’m interested in Holmes because I love his documented history as a Texas Ranger and enlistment in the war, and I feel fortunate I am connected to his story in a small way.

    I’d love to have a copy of a picture of Holmes if you happen to locate one. Best of luck with your research. I’ll check back occasionally to see your updates. If you can’t find the documents that I mention or historic Shelby county maps that mention Holmes Byfield by name. I would certainly assist you.
